Dignity At Work Act
- Dignity At Work – what is it?
- Dignity At Work – why?
- Dignity At Work – Legal Issues
- Unfair Dismissal claims
- Discrimination
- Discrimination the employer’s duty
- Stress Claims
- Protection from Harassment Act
- Dignity At Work – In Practice (1)
Dignity At Work – what is it?
Q. What is “Dignity at Work”?
A. An environment that does not permit
- Bullying;
- Harassment; or
- Offensive behaviour
and actively fosters tolerance and respect.
- Intended to undermine, humiliate, denigrate or injure the recipient
- An abuse or misuse of power
- Unwanted conduct affecting the dignity of men and women in the workplace
- May be related to age, sex, race, disability, religion, nationality, sexual orientation or any personal characteristic of the individual
- May be persistent or an isolated incident
- Actions or comments viewed as demeaning and unacceptable to the recipient
- Offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour
Examples of unacceptable behavior (esp. on discriminatory grounds)
- Spreading malicious rumours, insulting someone
- Ridiculing, undermining or demeaning someone
- Unfair treatment
- Unwelcome sexual advances
- Preventing individuals progressing
- Overbearing supervision or other misuse of power or position
- Making threats about job security without foundation
- Exclusion or victimisation
The fact the recipient partakes is not a defence.
- Although not a necessary element, discrimination is often an aggravating factor.
- Discrimination on the following grounds is unlawful:
- Sex
- Gender reassignment
- Being married or in a civil partnership
- Being pregnant or on maternity leave
- Race (including ethnic or national origin, nationality and colour)
- Disability
- Sexual orientation
- Religion or belief
- Age
- Direct, indirect, harassment and victimisation
Dignity At Work – why?
The costs to the Company of failure:
Hidden costs
- Retention rates
- Reputational damage
- Productivity
- Management time dealing with disputes/grievances
National Workplace Bullying Survey
- 85% of respondents said it affected their confidence
- 60% said it affected the quality of their work
- 51% said it caused them to take time off
The costs to the Company of failure:
Direct costs
Resignations and potential claims:
- Unfair/constructive dismissal
- Discrimination
- Stress/personal injury claims Management time dealing with disputes/grievances National Workplace Bullying Survey
- Protection from Harassment Act 1997
Very high legal costs with little prospect of recovery
The potential award:
- Loss of earnings
- Injury to feelings (see next slide)
- Pain, suffering and loss of amenity
- Aggravated and exemplary damages
- Litigation costs
The individual employee that commits the alleged act of discrimination is very likely to be named personally as a Respondent
Discrimination claims
In addition to loss of earnings and other damages:
- In the lower band, which is intended for less serious cases such as those which relate to a single incident, the maximum award that should be given is £6,000
- In the middle band, which should be applied in serious cases which are not severe enough for the highest band, the highest level of award is £18,000
- The upper band, which should be used in the most serious cases, particularly if there has been a lengthy campaign of discrimination, is £30,000
Discrimination laws cover all areas of employment including:
- Job adverts and the recruitment process
- Terms and conditions of work
- Conduct during employment and social events at work
- Dismissal and any work-related matters arising after employment has ended e.g. references
The law protects, among others:
- Agency workers
- Freelance workers and consultants
- Directors and employees
Dignity At Work – Legal Issues
Unfair Dismissal claims
Gab Robbins (UK) Ltd v Triggs
- T bullied by manager (B) and over-worked and raised grievance
- Co. ignored over-work, suggested meeting with B
- T resigned
- Decision acts complained of amounted to a cumulative breach; failure to investigate grievance was final straw
Royal Bank of Scotland plc v McAdie
- M complained of bullying, went off work with stress
- Off work for >1 year, said she was unable to return
- RBS dismissed her
- Decision fact that RBS caused the ill-health meant it had to ‘go the extra mile’ before dismissal
Miles v Gilbank
- G worked at a hairdressers owed by M
- G and M had good working relationship until M became pregnant
- G then subjected her to an “inhumane and sustained campaign of bullying and discrimination
- E.g. M wouldn’t block time out of diary when G thought she’d had a miscarriage and needed to go to hospital
- G told to juggle her clients’ appointments
- G received the (then) maximum injury to feelings award (£25,000)
Discrimination the employer’s duty
Gravell v London Borough of Bexley
- G worked as a housing officer
- Was told it was LBB’s policy to ignore racist comments from customers
- But had to listen to such comments
- Also sent racist jokes by colleague
- Decision – G could, in principle, bring harassment claim against LBB
- LBB’s policy of not challenging racist behaviour by customers had the effect of creating an offensive environment
Stress Claims
Daw v Intel Corporation (UK) Ltd
- D worked excessive hours / had unclear reporting lines
- Had had two known periods of post-natal depression
- Manager found her in tears at her desk in March ’01
- D set out her concerns in writing
- Options discussed incl. hiring extra perm. employee
- D. discouraged from moving jobs
- D. Signed off sick from 15 June 01
- Attempted suicide following day
- Intel held liable for breakdown (C of A)
Protection from Harassment Act
Miles v Gilbank
- Green was bullied by 4 female colleagues, who –
- Pointedly ignored her or stared at her
- Excluded her from conversations, lunches etc
- Made crude/lewd comments about her
- Removed her name from circulation lists
- Hid her post, then gave her a week’s worth on Fridays
- Also bullied by a male manager & male colleague (P.)
- Both were abrasive / aggressive
- She was given work at the last minute
- P. passed off work as his own and take Green’s work
- He gave clients the impression he was Green’s boss
- Following a holiday Green unable to return to work
- She was admitted to a psychiatric hospital and placed on suicide watch
- Returned to work around 6 months later
- Following her return to work, she suffered a further breakdown
- Decision: DB liable for both Green’s breakdowns
- Under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997
- The behaviours amounted to harassment & were closely connected to employment
- In negligence
- DB had failed to take adequate steps to protect Green from the behaviour
Dignity At Work – In Practice (1)
- Policy on bullying/harassment and dignity at work
- Equal opportunities policy
- Confidentiality for any complainant
- Statement that bullying and harassment may be treated as disciplinary offences
- Implementation of policies to be reviewed and monitored
- Protection from victimisation
- Training for managers
- Counselling
Day to day
- Commitment from management
- Abiding by the policies
- Learning from the training
- Effective management
- Setting standards
- Not tolerating unacceptable behaviour
- Implementing change
- Using the disciplinary and grievance procedures
- Tolerance and respect
This publication is intended for general summary guidance. It is not and should not be considered legal advice. Specific advice should be sought for specific cases; we cannot be held responsible for any action (or decision not to take action) made in reliance upon the content of this publication.